5 Reasons Why Staying at Home Freaks Me Out!

September is near to its end and I only have a single post for the month. Procrastination got me on chains for a few months now. Three months ago I've decided to relocate myself in Pampanga and be with my family. I gave up my job as a Production Assistant in Manila and took a step to move without having a clue except to stay at home and help the family.
I have 4 siblings, 2 of which are still in high school and the other in elementary. I have been doing all the mommy duties for them while my parents go work. Anyways, I just want to vent out all this is FREAKING ME OUT!
Here are 5 reasons why:

  1. Undone to-do list. I make my to-do list for the week, things that'll hopefully make me creative and efficient, activities that are time management exercises and all that. hah! 10% done and 90% cross marks on the weekend!

2. Repetitive chores. Cook for breakfast-lunch-dinner, sweep and mop the floors, do grocery and do the dishes are everyday. The dirt never ends!So most of the time, when I get too lazy I just do it one-time-big-time.
3. Boxed schedule. For someone like me who had a chance to live independently for almost 2 years know that we live beyond the curfew. Now that I'm staying at home, my schedule must be synced with my sister's schedules: time they go and arrive from school. I should always be here to serve them.

4. No money of course. I'm 23 years old. Even though I want to go out, it's such a shame to ask money from parents just to hangout with friends (plus the load to text them too). Which leads me to....
5. No social life. Oh how I'm craving for friends right now. Facebook isn't enough, duh? I've tried my best to utilize my personal relationships with my friends online, but really its not enough to be called social life.

You may hear like I'm complaining and all. But I want to end this post by honoring full time housewives/mommies in the world. Those who dedicate their lives, surrendered their dreams to focus on building a home for their family. 
Those who teach and inspire each of the family to dream while her's is set aside. Those moms who listen to stories from their kids and help them do their research or memorize the declamation piece.
Those women with that kind of serving heart freaks me out when I think of what they are made of. Go moms! =)

P.S: I know I won't be staying like this forever. I'll be employed pretty soon!


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