To you who can't write

Dear V,

I heard so much about the great things you do these past few months. I've seen so many progress reports from the events and ministries you've been a part of. Correct me if i'm wrong, but here's what I seen so far:
1. Community Theater - You got back to the stage? I remembered you wanting to perform for such a long time. Good thing you were able to find a group called Teatro Angeleno. I guess stage productions is really a part of you!
2. Street Children - "Kids Revolution" right? A campaign you take part in your city where you take care of street children and teach them to dream and lead them to Jesus, right? Hey, I didn't know you'd be interested in such charity.
3. Pidayit Fashion show - I heard this was a successful event. You did well on handling the creatives' requirements (tarp designs, souvenir program, AVP, etc). I guess this is your first fashion show prod, right? You've missed doing big productions with your last employment but do you see how God opens doors for you? Especially with the next bullet,
4. KKK AC Youth Arts Fest 2015 - wow! Were you able to enjoy the new people you worked with? Its the first arts festival in the city catered specifically for the youth. Congratulations! Look at the variety of what you did in 6 months.

Why are you depressed? I can see you are struggling with your current job in the government since you feel you were not meant for writing. You are stressed. You don't feel the environment you go to day by day. It's obvious that you lose your vibe. You go to friends and rant that you are locked up in a cell of pity and shame.

What do you want to do next? What's the matter with you? Where is the V I know who likes to grab every challenge? The one who absorbs learning? Fears to fail and just loves to create?

Can you imagine the flame and the influence you can do to your community? through your life? Don't let a little challenge defeat you! Yes, change is a part of growing up. But don't be scared with new knowledge. Embrace new food! Squeeze yourself to new territories. Try pushing yourself beyond the limits. It's time for you to get back up! So... I'll leave you with this: (author: me)
So to you who can't write... keep on reading...
To you who can't read... keep on thinking...
To you who can't think... die.
Because life is worth creating.

Keep moving forward!

Your inner-self,


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